Native article writing


What is native article writing? It is simple a title that means, that the article in question is original, and written for that particular time. It can be off something that has happened, something that someone has already wrote about etc – the main thing is that the content of the article is native – not copied, a original text.

We, for example have a team of writers that can produce newslike content in many different themes in English, Finnish, Swedish and German – a normal article consists of minimum of 500 words and links that make the article more informative. We have our own sites, but we also write into our customers and partners’ sites.

We write content every day and if you order an article from us, it goes to our task list and gets done when its time is – usually we can write all articles in a week, if the quantity is 1-2. If the order consists of multiple articles, we try to schedule them to cover a longer time period – this is settled with the customer.

Over 40 years of writing

We have written articles for quite a long time, since 1980s and we have written about almost everything there is to write about: Esports, casinos, technology, cryptocurrency, sports, betting, politics, health, CBD, and done dozens of internviews online and in person -we have done also reviews and tested different equipment, even done videos.

Native article writing is our normal day at office, but we do aso use a lot of ready made PR materials, that is available on our partner sites. If you need content on your own site or social media channels, please contact for quote – we create content also based on contract, like a weekly or monthy – give us a try.

Native articles that are in line with website own content usually helps to gain better Google positions, and deliver new contacts as the content gets indexed by Google. For example our own sites are inderex by Google and normally new content gets indexed in 1-2 weeks, sometimes even faster. We also use social media to share our news on different sites into different channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Twitch and LinkedIn.

How do we start a new project?

Easiest way to start is to deliver a good brief of the need. Of all the writing task we write, over 90% of all articles are approved as such. Sometimes there are small editions requires, but they are done in minutes. But the more we grow to learn our customers, the better the content is suitable for the needs.

To start, simply contact us, and if you already have a need for content, just create a simple brief, what you need, how long, and what you want to achieve? The better we understand the needs of customer, the faster we produce content that is both good for the site, but also effective to the targets of the customer. Whether is to get Google parameters better, or to get new customers, or to bring your brand to the front – just name it.

Sales, marketing, training – content is what can help You, and we are here to assist You to reach your targets now and in future.

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